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Leo Julian, Marketing Maven of Newbury Street

13 Sep

MetroBoston, Publication Date September 12, 2012
By Attorney George Warshaw

Expanded Content

This week’s column is about a unique individual, Leo Julian.

Leo Julian is not a guy who makes a fortune every day; he’s not selling real estate and raking in big bucks. Leo manages a parking lot.

The lot is at the old Louis building on Newbury Street in Boston, corner of Berkeley. His customers look forward to seeing him every day and talking with him every day. Many, as did I, park there because of Leo.

He wears a different bowtie matching shirt combination every day. He must have hundreds. He’s fashionable and personable on a fashion street with high-end salons and big name clothes designers.

Leo connects with people and he knows how to connect with people. It comes naturally to him. He becomes part of your work-day family, part of your survival network, part of your morning coffee.

When VPNE first took over the lot about 2 years ago, I noticed this bowtie bound man out in the street every morning waiving his orange NASCAR-like flag directing traffic into the lot. While it wasn’t long before that became unnecessary as local business people got to know Leo, but he was still out on the street greeting, meeting and talking with people.

He directs customers and strangers to restaurants, bistros and anything in the area you need. He has water bowls out for the dogs – people stop and converse with him about their pets and everything else.

Leo understands that it’s a genuine personal connection that builds a business. That’s what other miss.

Many consider themselves slick marketers and sales persons. Most overrate their skills. They talk about “building relationships” but how would their customers answer this simple question:

Do you look forward to seeing or speaking with him/her every day?

We look forward to seeing Leo every day. Sadly, the lot is closing next week as the building is renovated for its new tenant. We’ll miss Leo, but never say “never.” Perhaps he’ll be back.